Altar Valley Conservation Alliance & ranch-based water harvesting
Wonderfully effective examples of water harvesting in the rural setting, including harvesting water off dirt roads and utilizing induced meandering to stop down-cutting erosion of arroyos and help beneficially reconnect waterways with their floodplains.

Photos: Brad Lancaster
See here for more before and after photos, and my write up on their Elkorn/Las Delicias watershed restoration demonstration project.
Where: Altar Valley is southwest of Tucson, AZ
31˚ 49’ 08.88N 111˚ 29’ 21.13” W
Contact the Altar Valley Conservation Alliance for workshops and tours
To see photos of some of the strategies harvesting water off the dirt road up to Elkhorn Ranch, and the impressive results, scroll down to the bottom of the blog post here.
For different water-harvesting strategies on a different ranch see:
Where rocks have made the water flow: a water-harvesting Arizona ranch
For water-harvesting strategies that helped stabilize pathways and revegetate disturbed desert at an arboretum see:
induced meanderingpassive water harvesting in soil and vegetationrangeland restorationstormwater and dirt road runoff harvestingstormwater harvesting
This location is included in the following tours:
See the new, full-color, revised editions of Brad’s award-winning books
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Volume 1