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How we’re harvesting, cycling, and playing with multiple, free, on-site waters and what they grow…

Outdoor shower screened with salvaged materials and vegetation. Surrounding food-bearing vegetation—doubling as chicken shelter and habitat—is freely watered with the shower’s greywater via a gravity-fed branched drain pipe system distributing the drain water to multiple mulched basins within the adjoining chicken run (see Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, Volume 2, 2nd Edition for more details).

Before & After photos…

For more…

See the new, full-color, revised editions of Brad’s award-winning books
– available a deep discount, direct from Brad:

Book Cover #1

Volume 1

THE book to enable you to assess all your free on-site waters, then create an integrated water harvesting plan.

Has the story of the transformation of the Lancaster residence and how you can do likewise

Buy the Book Now
Book Cover #2

Volume 2

Lots of step-by-step instructions on how to design, build, and plant many different kinds of rain gardens for many different contexts.

Showcases the strategies that transformed our neighborhood streets with water-harvesting traffic-calming, street-side native food forest plantings, and more.

Also includes a chapter dedicated to household greywater harvesting strategies.

Buy the Book Now
Active SystemsGreywater HarvestingNeighborhood Food ForestryPassive SystemsRainwater HarvestingStormwater & Street Runoff HarvestingSun and Shade Harvesting