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Fog-drip from rain trees harvested in cisterns

Madeira, Azores, and the Canary Islands.
Latitude 32.7˚ N, 37.7˚N, and 28.2˚ N.

Elevation: 1,300 and 4,600 feet (400 and 1400 meters)

Fog-drip from trees can be, and has been, harvested in cisterns to provide drinking water, as was the traditional practice with the “rain tree” (Ocotea foetens)5 of Hierro, otherwise known as the “holy tree,” or “garoe,” which grows in laurel-forest habitat at elevations between 400 and 1400 meters in Madeira, Azores, and the Canary Islands.6

The Canary Islands; & a Draught of the Fountain-Tree in the Island of Ferro. Designed & Engraved for the Universal Magazine for J.Hinton, at the Kings Arms in St Pauls Church-Yard, London, 1748. For source of this print see:

For a contemporary photo of the Water Fountain (tree) on Garajonay—scroll down the linked page to see photo.


1. The Laurel or Bay Forests of the Canary Islands, C.A. Schroeder, Department of Biology, University of California, Los Angeles. California Avocado Society 1989 Yearbook 73:145-147. accessed 2-9-2021.

2. Ocotea foetens, Wikipedia,, accessed 7-21-2014

Fog Harvesting