Harvesting active condensation—Pearl Brewery, San Antonio, Texas
Pearl Brewery, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
29˚ N Latitude. Elevation: 650 feet (198 meters).
Average humidity 54.9%.
Average annual rainfall 30 inches (762 mm).
Average annual humidity 54.9%…
Active condensation occurs on mechanically cooled surfaces (surfaces cooler than the air temperature)—where a generated power source such as electricity is needed to cool the surface on which the atmospheric water (moisture in the air) condenses. That condensation can be harvested by directing the condensate drain to where the water can be utilized as a resource.

The first active condensate recovery systems from air conditioners and other refrigeration appliances in San Antonio have worked so well that San Antonio became the first city to require new commercial buildings design drain lines so that condensate can be captured and reused on site (OSA 34-274.1 Condensate Collection).
See here for the ENERGY costs of condensate and other waters,
and information on how the refrigerant in air conditioners, refrigeration units, freezers, and ice machines is a major contributor to climate change
For more case studies of condensate harvesting and other free, on-site waters…
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