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Infiltration Chambers & Infiltration Trench Pipe

Infiltration chambers (aka, “leaching chambers” or “subsurface outlet chambers”)

I far prefer the use of these bottomless, louver-sided plastic chambers over the use of perforated pipe in French drain applications. The larger-capacity chambers will not clog with roots like perforated pipe will.

Infiltrator Systems, Inc.
Their “Quick4 Standard Chamber” is good for infiltration trench, subsurface greywater-harvesting, and septic leach field applications since its height does not exceed 12 inches (30 cm). This way the majority of the water discharged through the chambers infiltrates into the top 2 feet (0.6 m) of soil where roots and soil life can more readily utilize the water.
But even better, is their Quick4 Plus Standard Low Profile Chamber, which is only 8 inches (864 mm) tall—so you can infiltrate water higher in the soil profile where there is more life that can filter and utilize the water.

Their Arc 36 Type Septic Leaching Chamber is available in a 12 inch (30 cm) height, which is good for infiltration trench, subsurface greywater-harvesting, and septic leach field applications since its height does not exceed 12 inches (30 cm). This way the majority of the water discharged through the chambers infiltrates into the top 2 feet (0.6 m) of soil where roots and soil life can more readily utilize the water.

Infiltration trench pipe & drain boxes

Water-harvesting infiltration trenches often don’t need pipes, but when they do, you can get these items from the businesses listed below:

NDS, Inc.


Ewing Irrigation

Rainwater Harvesting